Tuesday, August 05, 2008

We have not dropped off the face of the Earth...

I am just back in the working world a week early!!!

I have a new position with the school board as a Resource Teacher for Headstart. I will be going between two schools and have 7 classes of 18 students to work with and 2 teachers in each class of 3 & 4 year olds!!! I am so excited to be doing something new and working with the little ones to prepare them for Kindergarten!!!

Ashton had Five Day of Fun Sports Camp at church that he had a blast at!!! He starts Kindergarten in less than two week and will be 5 in two weeks!!!!

Serioulsy, someone pleace tell me where the last five years have gone?!?!? I cannot believe that I am the mom of a kindergartner!!!


togetherforgood said...

Oh man Wendy I so feel your pain. I'm not sure I'm ready for this whole mother-of-a-kindergartener thing. Oddly enough time does not seem to be slowing down for me until I am ready. :)

Leah said...

congrats on the job!

Jen said...

Brace yourself girl. It goes faster and faster every year!

Erica said...

Hey girl! Just wanted to let you know that I found Edye on MySpace and gave her your blog address. Hope all is well!

Lori said...

ah... it seems once they hit kindy, everything speeds up and before you know it, he'll be a teen. it's just crazy, plum crazy.

it's great you get a change of pace with the job - hope you are enjoying it :)