Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Our new room!

Yeah! We are moved in and we have power and AC now! Things are coming together!

Ashton's New Room

Ashton's room is our old one! He has a new paint job and a new theme, Cars! He loves it! He came home surpirsed to see yesterday morning! There are a few more minor details left to add! I am putting up a photo of him with Mater and McQueen from our spring Disney trip! Grandma is going to make a hanging!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Carpet and Closets!

Sorry, it is hard to get a good shot of the carpet! We love it! It is so soft!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

Off to college!

Ashton has enjoyed Sports Camp at Florida Southern, my alma mater! The highlight of the week has been riding the golf cart to the lab!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Now we are attempting to dive!!!

He now wants to try to dive! He has a start! He is also diving down for dive sticks and things, with a little help!

Bathroom Tile and Paint!

Bathroom tile and my paint colors! I love that blue! I can't wait until it all comes together!

A 3 1/2 Year Old and a pair of clippers!

I wondered when it would happen! Every child does it! Ashton took Kevin's trimmers and gave himself a haircut! It is a slight buzz! Tomorrow it is off to the barber's to see if they can blend it in! Or find out if we are wearing a hat for a few weeks!

Ashton has been asking for a hair cut, I should have listened!