Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring on Lake Hollingsworth

A fmily of mallards, an alligator turtle, a momma limpkin and her baby, and a red-winged blackbird.

Sun 'n' Fun Fly-In

I think that I know what it might sound like to be under attack now!!! It was only a few f-16 Thunderbirds, but they are loud!!! They literally buzzed our house!!!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Hillsborough River Nature

Up close and personal to Florida's Nature! Lots of good sites to see! Lots of alligators and turtles bathing in the sun!

Hillsborogh River

Not the greatest shots, but itis is hard to turn around and get any while paddling a canoe!!! Plus, I have two kids who have developped an aversion to being photographed!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

J. Seward Johnson

This is a second set of sculputres that have come to Lakeland. We didn't get to see them all, but I hope to get around to the rest before they are gone!

Feeding the ducks, swans and geese..

We wanted to hit Barnett Park but it was not running :(

Tuesday, April 01, 2008